Where Have I Been?

A little update on what’s been going on in my life and how that’s affected my writing…

I don’t usually struggle terribly with writer’s block, but 2020 hit me like a ton of bricks. The words dried up for me about the time people started tearing into each other over current events. I tried to maintain a healthy stance on things and neither discount concerns or stress unduly, but despite my best efforts, there was enough background stress and a lingering sadness over how people were behaving I just… couldn’t write. All the creativity was gone– poof!

I did find I could still paint for whatever reason. Playing with that helped keep me sane.

I also found myself dealing with worsening health. I have a somewhat rare autoimmune disease that effects my day-to-day quality of life pretty significantly. And I’m not convinced I’ve been fully diagnosed, much less treated, so it’s been a challenge.

That definitely messed with my writing plans. Hard to write with brain fog and migraines, ya know?

Oh, and let’s not forget my kiddos are older and don’t take a 2-hour long nap every day. (That’s how my Shallows series got written… making use of naptimes!)

A good thing and an unexpected contributor to the lack of writing… my web & graphic design business picking up. I have less time for writing, but it definitely pays better. And for a while, it was using the very limited amount of energy and creativity I had left.

Now that I have a bit more creativity bandwidth to work with and it’s not so finite, I feel like I can fit in some writing. I want you to read along with me (if you don’t mind typos and other first-draft fun) here.

6 thoughts on “Where Have I Been?”

  1. Yay!! 🤩 I’m so sorry about your writer’s block and your health, as I know that must be very hard, but I’m so glad that things are picking up! (Congrats on your graphic design job, too! You do some awesome work.🤎) I can’t wait for Liscence to Code! It looks amazing!

  2. Eeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Book 9!!!!! 😍 I love the title and the cover and Brent’s hat! (It’s intriguing. 😂) I’m so glad you’re back to writing now! Thank you for allowing us to read along with you! 😄

  3. Your paintings are stunning, absolutely love it, I’m so excited for the next book! One question, is the Facebook group still a thing?

  4. Euphemia (Emma) Neipp

    I just finished your Emily Abbott series!!! I was so sad today when I finished the 8th book and somewhat left on a cliff hanger. After a while researching and looking for you, I found you had a blog, and you hvae no idea how EXCITED I AM FOR BOOK 8!!!!!!! I am really looking forward to it!!!

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